Thursday, July 15, 2010

Interesting Week

So it's weird that it's Monday and I am emailing. It feels like I just had P-Day! Thanks for the emails. I love hearing from you all and getting the fun family updates. I am glad you are all having the opportunity to enjoy some monsoons. It hasn't really rained here in a while. I want it to soon!

We've had a fun and interesting week. Norfolk is one of a kind. Let's just say, at this point nothing surprises me.

We had a great authentic Mexican food dinner. We had sopas. It is a fatty homemade tortilla made from Maseca (masa) with mashed black beans, crumbling cheese, sour cream, onions, lettuce, and hot salsa. It was so good. They told us about a Mexican restaurant that is in our area that we are going to try soon.

We had a lesson on the Book of Mormon with a member (she became active last Sept. after like 20 years!) last Wed. night and we committed her to keep a study journal because she was telling us how she had an insight come to her and she didn't know what to do with it. It was so cute, she called us at like 9pm on Thursday night and was like okay what am I supposed to do with this notebook? Haha, she went and bought a notebook, so I'm excited to hear how her study journal goes. As missionaries we are pretty much required to keep one. It's something I didn't do before my mission, so I'm not really good at it, but I like it!

Thursday we taught this lady who is from Thailand. Her ex-husband (American) is a member and their 2 kids as well. They are in Norfolk visiting her before she moves to Florida. The ex-husband called bishop to ask about getting the kids to church, so we went and met the mom. She is buddhist and doesn't really know much English. So we taught her about the Godhead and had her 6 & 7 year old kids help us. Haha, it was fun to teach, but I'm not too sure how much she grasped. We see her again on Wed, so we'll see then!

We are teaching a friend of a member, Heather, in the ward. Her name is Whitney and she is great. Heather and Whitney work together and Heather has been talking to Whitney about the church for a while now and has really helped her to prepare to accept the gospel. We teach her again tonight! When we taught her last week she was telling us how her 10 year old was sad he couldn't come with her. We said to bring him, so hopefully he'll be there tonight. She has 2 other younger kids too. When we shared the First Vision with her she said that she felt great and it caused her to think that God allows us to make choices. Yes, He does! And thank heavens for that.

On that same day we also had an interesting lesson with a member who has started going to a Baptist church. Her husband is deployed and her life has just been crazy since then. Mark this as my first lesson where we were asked to leave. Haha, got to love the landmark lessons. We were talking about how sometimes our choices cause us to be in situations where bad things happen to us and how we have to pay consequences for our actions whether good or bad. The Spirit was really strong, but she definitely was not feeling it like we were.

Tonight we are having an FHE with the Books (downstairs), so it'll be fun. We've got some fun lessons coming up this week!

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